The Secret Letters: Discussion Guide

Two friendships are at the heart of this novel. Discuss how
the two friendships are similar and how they are different.
Describe how Colin and Nevaeh meet, and what they have
in common. How are they different in terms of family and
personality? What makes their friendship work well? How
do they handle conflict in their friendship? What do they
learn through reading the letters about the friendship
between Rosemary and Toby? How do Colin and Nevaeh
go beyond the letters to learn more? In the end, what
happens with the now grown-up Rosemary and Toby?

Secrets fill this story. Discuss the observation that Colin’s
mother makes: “Sometimes you just have to let people keep
their own secrets.” (p.24) Why do Nevaeh and Colin keep
their friendship a secret? Why did Toby and Rosemary hide
their letters? Why does Colin’s mother have secrets about his
father? How does Colin feel about not knowing? What does
he eventually learn? What secrets has Nevaeh’s mother kept
from Nevaeh’s father that emerge near the end? Why are
Prilla and Roddy keeping their college hopes secret? Which
secrets cause problems between people? Are some beneficial?
How are trust and secrets related?

Rosemary is frustrated in the 1970s with the sexism and limits
on women she sees around her. What does she hope to do
when she grows up that women haven’t done before? Nevaeh
also encounters sexism, in the present day. Give examples
from both time periods including how Steve treats Rosemary.

How does Rosemary, as an adult, describe what happened
to Maribel in her marriage? What do you think happened
between Colin’s father and his mother? How has Rosemary
used Maribel’s money to help women including Colin’s and
Nevaeh’s mothers?

Colin’s mother and Nevaeh’s father are both in the business
of dealing with other people’s possessions. Describe their
businesses. How are the businesses similar and how are
they different? Describe their two households and how they
differ in terms of possessions. Why does Nevaeh’s father say,
“People are almost never logical about their possessions?”
(p.29) Why does Colin’s mother believe that possessions tie a
person down? What does she mean by the word “curation” in
relationship to possessions? Why is Nevaeh attracted to that
viewpoint? How do Colin’s photographs capture a different
view of possessions?

What do Nevaeh and Colin learn about the 1970s through the
letters and research? How does it change the way they look
at their own lives and possessions? Highlight some contrasts
between their lives and those of Rosemary and Toby including
cell phones and the internet. Why does Nevaeh say about an
old spoon, “I bet it’d be worth more if you knew its whole
history?” (p.138) Explain “provenance” and why it can
change an item’s value. Why does Colin feel,
after talking to people hear Toby’s childhood
home, that “he could see layers of
history in the neighborhood?”

Guide created by Kathleen Odean, a school librarian for more than 15 years, who gives professional development workshops for educators about children’s and YA books.

Kathleen chaired the Newbery Award Committee, and served on the Caldecott Committee.

Also in this series

The Secret Letters The Ghostly Photos

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